Brand Strategist



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The Ask

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Why I Love This Project

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The Problem



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The Insight

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The Strategy

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The Campaign

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Next, a series of posters and flyers is put up all over the city that warns passers-by of Edwin sightings. They include a mysterious website and phone number. appears to be a ghost hunter’s collection of Edwin sightings, but a popup refers visitors to Richmond’s Vision Zero efforts.

People who call 1-800-DON’T-DIE will hear a recording with information about Richmond’s pedestrian death rates and Vision Zero.

But then, Edwin strikes back and vandalizes the posters.

By now, Edwin will be gaining traction on social media, and local authorities will chime in.
We’ll also begin to plant Edwin sighting posts with local businesses.

But once again Edwin strikes back, this time hacking the Richmond Police Twitter account.

By now, everyone should know who Edwin is and that the city has to unite against him to improve pedestrian safety. We’ll distribute special anti-Edwin stickers that local business in areas with heavy foot traffic can place in their windows to show they’re on board with Vision Zero’s efforts.

The Team

Co-Strategist: Evanne Allen
Copywriter: Joshua Browne
Art Directors: Charlotte Simons & Ariana Safari
Experience Designers: Ruthie Edwards & Tobi Oluwo